JSONLines files
This example goes over how to load data from JSONLines or JSONL files. The second argument is a JSONPointer to the property to extract from each JSON object in the file. One document will be created for each JSON object in the file.
Example JSONLines file:
{"html": "This is a sentence."}
{"html": "This is another sentence."}
Example code:
import { JSONLinesLoader } from "@langchain/community/document_loaders/fs/json";
const loader = new JSONLinesLoader(
const docs = await loader.load();
Document {
"metadata": {
"blobType": "application/jsonl+json",
"line": 1,
"source": "blob",
"pageContent": "This is a sentence.",
Document {
"metadata": {
"blobType": "application/jsonl+json",
"line": 2,
"source": "blob",
"pageContent": "This is another sentence.",